After we fled down the street and were all in a safe area Tony and our Landlord drove back to see if they could help save anything. This is what he saw.

We went back to the property yesterday to assess the damage and sift through the ashes to see if we could recover anything.

The first thing we found was a piece of the plate below. This plate sat on our kitchen island since we received it from friends 2 years ago. I immediately cried and knew we had to find the rest! We pieced it back together on the steps of the back porch.
A sign that he is still Good ALL the time!
My yellow teapot was found almost unharmed as well, just a broken handle. On the top of my tea pot is the verse from Hebrews 11. Again, a sign from HIM that we were going to get through this.
When we had received closure, I asked everyone to stop digging and pray. We are so blessed to have so many caring friends, family, and staff at
This door coat rack held my kids back packs, and hung on the back of their bedroom door. A sweet reminder that the four of us survived, and we have each other. That is what matters!
I had over 30 Scentsy warmers in my house, and between 200 and 300 Scentsy bars. (That must have been one GOOD smelling fire). All jokes aside, I had little reminders what my purpose is for my community-- to share the love and generosity of Christ through my Scentsy business. I will continue on and build my Scentsy business again from the beginning. If you are curious, you can check out what Scentsy is here.
Everything surrounding our home was burned. Even the grass and dirt were burned. Somehow Caroline's little pink picnic table survived the flames. It wasn't touched! She saw on that little table all morning. It was the only comfort and piece of our home that was left. She even felt comfortable enough to take off her shoes.
We smile in this photo because we are blessed to be alive, and blessed to have each other. We have Joy because our Joy comes from within, through Christ our Savior.
My mentor, and friend Marcy found a Charred tin in what used to be the kids room. She opened it up, and inside was a perfect hand print of my baby Caroline. The only baby keepsake I have left. It will be saved and preserved. I am so grateful for this tiny treasure and memory.
When my parents heard of our tragedy, they packed a bag and came to help. I'm not sure what we would have done without them. Sometimes you just need to be held by your Daddy, and put your head in your Mommy's lap. Even though I am 30, I needed my parents like never before.
Thank you for everyone who came out to help search for valuables today. Even though it was a total loss we have reminders of God's promises to us. We are so thankful to be here, and so blessed to have tiny reminders of his sweet love for us, and the plans he has for our lives.
A local news channel interviewed us yesterday. Here is the link if you'd like to watch click here
Many of you have asked how you can help. Some friends have set up a web page for donations. You can find that link by clicking here. Thank you for prayers, and gifts of support. The thought of starting over takes our breath away, but we know with HIS help we will come out stronger than ever!
I have tears in my eyes reading this. I can't believe you found those earrings!
Every day I'm constantly amazed at the little ways God shows us grace, mercy, love, & that He is still in control. So glad for the items you all were able to recover from the fire.
My very dear friends, The Strahans, also live in Luther & lost their home too. Not sure if you know them, but they are great people. There are a lot of people praying for & thinking of your community, just know that on those days that might be too hard to face.
I am friends with Jamin in Indiana. Your story has touched me. We were traveling through Oklahoma City on Friday,just as the fires started and saw the smoke, I had no idea of the damage those beginning embers would do. You will rebuild and with God's help be stronger. 38 years ago we lost everything in a tornado none of us had shoes as we escaped. My father worked hard and rebuilt the farm and now owns it completely at age 75. Our prayers are with you. May God bless you as you start over and grow in your faith. Debi
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