I cannot tell you how much my sweet Caroline is like me. She has an attitude like me. She loves being girlie(just like me). She is so kind hearted and sweet, but sensitive and moody at the same time (also like me, I guess). She loves babies (who doesn't!?). She is beautiful (well, hello!). okay, you get the point... she is a lot like me. I've said before I wanted to be a mommy. Have I ever said how blessed I am to be a mommy!? I do not deserve Caroline's sweet cuddles and kisses and "i wuv you too"'s. I do however deserve her fits and meltdowns. Why, you ask? Well, I also gave my mother fits and meltdowns. I mean, seriously ... I've given Tony (my wonderful husband) fits and meltdowns. My dad once said, "Rachel is the best girl in the world 80% of the time". I have to say that is also the case with our sweet Caroline. Hopefully I'll master that 20% (soon) and can then show her how to do the same. I can't believe I get the privilege to help shape a cute, moody little girl into a beautiful, Godly woman... with the Lord's help, of course... and Tony's too!
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6
ps- thanks to my Mom (and daddy too) for shaping me into the woman I am today. I know now, what a hard job it was! Love you!