Tuesday I went to Scentsy's Spring Sprint Event in Park City, Kansas. It was excellent! I rode with 3 other ladies and we had so much fun talking about life and Scentsy, of course. I love going to my Scentsy events because I always leave ready to share Scentsy with everyone I meet. It reminds me of Why I started doing Scentsy, and why would I want to leave anyone out of this amazing blessing? It reminds me how blessed I am to get to stay home with my kids, give more, and share Christ with more people. Yes, what better way to share the love of Christ than by being invited to come into someones home to put on a party? I know... genius!
I'm so excited about the new catalog season coming up! Let me tell you, it's the best catalog Scentsy has ever introduced! I feel so blessed to be a part of this amazing company! If you've ever wanted to try Scentsy, now is the best time because everything s 10% off in the month of February.
If you've ever wanted to make some extra money, or need a hobby, or need to get out there and meet some people, now is the best time to join this amazing company too! In February, you get double the value in your starter kit!
The warmer of the month this month is Easter Egg. Isnt' it cute?
The Scent of the month for February is Posy Peach. It is really yummy!

If you'd like to order or join my team click here or email me at therachelcobb(at)gmail (dot) com.
I'd love to answer any questions you have as well!
I'm also super excited because I just earned Scentsy's incentive trip! I get a 6 day, 5 night all expenses paid trip this summer! I can't wait to tell you where I'm going to go! Stay posted, I'm sure I'll give you all the details!
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