Yes people, something else crazy has happened in our notsonormal life. Last night I came to the Emergency Room. The previous 24 hours, I had growing bruises and broken capillaries all over my body. I knew it didn't seem normal. My blood pressure was elevated, and it was just weird! Anyway, I followed my gut(and some pushing by friends and family) and went to the ER. You know it's bad when they take to to triage, look at you with big eyes, and immediately put you in a wheel chair to wheel back to an exam room. After a couple hours of tests... the Hematologist(blood doctor) came in. I expected him to say "you have an iron deficiency" or something livable like that. No... He then explained I had a blood disease called ITP (Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. It is a bleeding disorder in which the immune system destroys the platelets, which are necessary for normal blood clotting. A normal person has a platelet count of about 140,000 to 450,000. My count was 5,000. They immediately admitted me into a room and started steroid treatments. This morning, my count was 3,000. More steroids, clotting meds, and platelet transfusion later... here I sit. They are going to do more labs tonight to test my levels.
Here's where you all come in! Please pray for me. This could be very serious. I won't burden you with all the details. I'm sure you know of a website called "google". Look it up if you want to know. However, We are praying for a miracle. We know God's timing is perfect. His will is permanent. He loves us and is still so good to us! We are trusting that I will get to go home sometime this week. We are unsure of the outcome- whether I will be in remission soon, or whether this is something I'll have to endure for sometime, but we know that God is in control.
Thanks for your prayers in advance. We love you! -Rachel
Here's where you all come in! Please pray for me. This could be very serious. I won't burden you with all the details. I'm sure you know of a website called "google". Look it up if you want to know. However, We are praying for a miracle. We know God's timing is perfect. His will is permanent. He loves us and is still so good to us! We are trusting that I will get to go home sometime this week. We are unsure of the outcome- whether I will be in remission soon, or whether this is something I'll have to endure for sometime, but we know that God is in control.
Thanks for your prayers in advance. We love you! -Rachel
*some goofy pics to let you know that just cause you don't feel horrible, doesn't mean you aren't really sick!

(ps- another note is that my dad has 16 days left of radiation and he should be cancer free. I guess my body was just jealous of all his attention ;)
Rachel, I am praying for you and hope you get to come home soon. I know Tony is doing a great job with Tobin and baby Caroline! Let me know if you need any help at all, especially if Tony wants some 'babysitting' help.
Praying for you. Let me know if you need any help with the kids or you want me to bring some food up =)
Thanks for more info. So appreciate your are an amazing woman, Rachel!! God has great things in mind....after all He works ALL things to our good. Love you. Will see you soon!!
Honey, praying for you now.
We are all praying for a quick (and hopefully full if it is possible) recovery! I wish we were closer to lend a hand with babysitting,etc. Hopefully you will be back at home before you know it. Love, Brie
Rachel, We are praying for you tonight. If we can help out with you or your family this week, let us know.
Praying for you!! I will see you tomorrow after lunch :)
Rachel, I'm praying for your entire family. What courage and faith you have! Amazing! I'll pray you're home and brand new asap. Keep us updated so we know how best to pray.
Rachel -
I have a chronic health condition and know how hard it is to be in the hospital away from your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you!
Whitney Fleming
aka @WhitneyFleming :)
You have our prayers as well. Robin G.
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