Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Transition Time

We are in transition stages of moving. We are staying in the Oklahoma City area, but God is calling us to Lease out our house, and live like no one else... so we CAN live like no one else one day. With medical bills, and School debt, we need to make major sacrifices around here for a year and pay off debt and build up a legacy for our children. God has provided an amazing blessing, in the form of a (tiny) rent house (on 5 acres) out in a small town, just outside the Metro. (notice in the photo below... everything is packed up except the Scentsy warmer. Ha!)

We move on the 1st, and Tobin starts Pre-K the next week. I'm sure I'll be MIA around the blogosphere for a little while. Keep us in your prayers. Caroline went to sleep with 3 pacifier's tonight. She is so confused, and needs soothing, apparently. Tobin has been more emotional than I have ever seen him, this past week. They will adjust, eventually. When the move is over and we are somewhat settled, I'll tell the amazing story of this whole situation. God is truly performing miracles. All we are doing is obeying.

With the CRAZY HOT temps in OK, we are just trying to stay cool. Have a great last couple weeks of Summer! I'm ready for FALL!!!

So undeservedly blessed, Rachel

Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's gettin' HOT in HERE!

Summer is keepin us super busy! We have been in the car a lot, going to Frontie! On the few days that we ARE home, we like to play board games and watch movies :)

It has been over 100 degrees here for days and days and days. You think I'm exhagerating? I AM NOT! Today,it was 109, at 7:30 pm! CRAZY HOT! So, if we are outside, we are IN THE WATER! We have been spending at least one day a week at White Water Bay (a water park here in the Metro area). We have season passes, and are getting our money's worth!

Tobin is growing up, right before my eyes. I cannot believe he will be starting Pre-K soon! Caroline is still our princess, but oh ... so ... much... drama! She is sweet, but sassy. Oh my, we are in TROUBLE when she become a teenager, I can feel it!

(yes, that is chinese food boxes. Our church is serving popcorn in them for At The Movies this year, it is Kung Fu Panda themed lobby. Another reason we have been super busy)

We spent the 4th of July in the Heat, inviting people to church. It was one of the best "4th's" we have had as a family! We all wore matching green t-shirts, yes I said GREEN. We stood out, that's for sure! We LOVE our church, and it just opened a new kids wing this weekend! Another reason we have been somewhat busy lately. The kids wore their patriotic stuff the whole week before July 4th, since we weren't going to wear it on the day, itself :)

The t-shirts were only in adult sizes, so I made caroline a dress, and Tobin a shirt in his size. They were a hit!

My health has been better. My Thyroid is very disfuncitonal and my hormones are all very low. They are trying to figure out why I am still not normal. Prayers for continued healing on my body are greatly appreciated... as are prayers for Tony- he is the one that has to put up with my moodiness ;) Regardless of the heat, and health issues, medical bills, etc...we are counting our blessings! I made it to 29 this year(a week ago, to be exact)! Tony and I lost a bunch of weight this year, and I battled another rare disease. We are so thankful for God's blessings and provision for our family. So, I will leave you with this song that my mom used to sing to me as a little girl. I have been teaching it to our kiddos. Have a super weekend, and a fabulous week ahead!

The Lord is good to me

and so I thank the Lord,

for giving me, the things I need,

the sun and the moon and the appleseed,

Oh, the Lord is good to me!

Friday, May 6, 2011

My Mini-Me

This photo is me, when i was 2, maybe? This is Caroline. (yes, I know I never posted Easter pics... but it's not the 4th of July yet, people. I've got plenty of time, right? Sheesh!)

I cannot tell you how much my sweet Caroline is like me. She has an attitude like me. She loves being girlie(just like me). She is so kind hearted and sweet, but sensitive and moody at the same time (also like me, I guess). She loves babies (who doesn't!?). She is beautiful (well, hello!). okay, you get the point... she is a lot like me. I've said before I wanted to be a mommy. Have I ever said how blessed I am to be a mommy!? I do not deserve Caroline's sweet cuddles and kisses and "i wuv you too"'s. I do however deserve her fits and meltdowns. Why, you ask? Well, I also gave my mother fits and meltdowns. I mean, seriously ... I've given Tony (my wonderful husband) fits and meltdowns. My dad once said, "Rachel is the best girl in the world 80% of the time". I have to say that is also the case with our sweet Caroline. Hopefully I'll master that 20% (soon) and can then show her how to do the same. I can't believe I get the privilege to help shape a cute, moody little girl into a beautiful, Godly woman... with the Lord's help, of course... and Tony's too!

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

ps- thanks to my Mom (and daddy too) for shaping me into the woman I am today. I know now, what a hard job it was! Love you!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

He made me a Mommy

This week I can't help but think about becoming a Mommy for the first time. I grew up dreaming about being pregnant, and having a baby, and being a wife and mommy. I feel so blessed to have my sweet Tobin. Only God knew he would come so soon (less than 2 years into marriage), and only God knew what a blessing he would be to us!

Tobin, in the Hebrew language, means "God is good". Oh, how good God was to us to give us our sweet Tobin boy. He is so smart, he blows me away sometimes. His memory is ridiculous! The kid can remember things that even I can't remember. It seriously amazes me- the things he remembers. He is so sweet and kind and loving towards his friends and family. Last night at church, Caroline was throwing a HUGE fit! I mean, a stomping her feat waving her arms fit. I said, "Come on Tobin, let's leave her alone". He immediately burst into tears as if I meant we were actually going to leave her at church. ugh... No, not ever. He is so protective of Caroline. He always makes sure she has her snack or juice or sticker before he does. He helps her on and off he trampoline, and in and out of the car. He really does take good care of her!

Tobin Loves Jesus! He never ever lets us eat food or go to bed, or take a road trip without praying. He always prays when he hears sirens down the street. The other night at bedtime prayer he said, "Lord, please help me ask you into my heart one day so I can get baptised for mommy and daddy" Sheesh, talk about the water works! Lately with my health issues he always prays that God will "heal mommy". He seriously believes God can do anything! I'm so thankful for that!

I guess I could go on and on with how great he is. I'm sure all you "Mommies" out there thing your child is the best child. But seriously, I can't imagine what my life would be like now without Tobin, my sweet Tobin, the gift that made me a mommy.

Thank you, Lord for using Tobin to make me a Mommy! I am so undeservedly blessed!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Little Mommy

In honor of Mother's Day, I thought I'd share these photos of my "little mommy" I took last week. I always dreamed of being a mommy when I was a little girl. All I ever wanted to do, my whole life, was be a mommy. Someone is taking after her mommy!

.... Now, It's time to tackle my mommy duties. Have a great week all you Mommies out there!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


So happy to be home from the hospital AGAIN! I was in the hospital another 4 days. They removed a polyp from my colon, and took several biopsy's for testing. As we wait for answers from tests and scans, and blood work, and biopsy's, I am thankful to be home with my family. We are so, undeservingly, blessed!

"Say Cheese!"

"Look at this picture bubba!"

Jeremiah 33:3 Come to me and I will answer, and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

Please keep praying for me. For complete healing. For wisdom for my doctors. For my pain to go away. For my body to be "normal" again. In all things, His Glory will be shown! Thanks for all the prayers and support for my family!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Hospital Vaca...

Last Monday night about 10pm I felt a sharp pain in my lower left abdomen. By Tuesday night at Midnight, I was in the ER waiting to see a Doctor. I KNEW something was wrong. Worst. pain. ever. And, I HAVE had babies people! At 4:00am, they admitted me to the hospital. They said I had diverticulitis and micro perforations in my bowel. Long story short = They thought I would have to have surgery, and GOD HEALED ME without it! Not only did he heal me from this, I did NOT have an ITP Relapse, the number one risk for my body fighting infections. PRAISE GOD! I got to come home Saturday night. Oh, how blessed I am to be with my family. I am not in anymore pain, but am very weak and tired, as my body is still fighting infection. Please be in prayer with us as we pray for continued and complete healing from HIM! Here are some photos of my 4 day EXPENSIVE Vacation in the Hospital.

My menu for 4 days : Ice chips. Yum!

I had the SWEETEST visitors visit me!

My mom came over from Arkansas. Not sure what we would have done without her! Thanks for everything Mom! Thank the LORD for FaceTime with my sweet family. Oh, how I missed them. These were the highlight of my days! Sweet FaceTime Kisses from Sweet Caroline! xoxo

If you would like to make a scentsy order, to help pay for our hospital bill, I won't stop ya! Ha! Click on the link to the right ;)

Sunday, March 20, 2011


ME: "Look, Tobin! The Daffodils are blooming! "
Tobin: "Mom, don't say that word!"
ME: "What word? Daffodils?"
Tobin: "MOM! That's a bad word, don't say that, you are in trouble!"
ME: "What? Daffodils are flowers."
Tobin: "That's it Mom! I'm tellin Daddy on you!"

Summertime Steadiness

Is anyone else having trouble finding routine in the craziness that is summer 2020? I am a planner. Yes, I still carry around a paper planne...