Spring snow.... yes, we had a "spring" snow in March. Tobin loved it! It only stuck around for about a day. Tony and Tobin did their best to play as much as they could! You can see how many inches we got by looking at our little tykes picnic table in the back yard.
Ever wonder what our Oklahoma winds do to snow?
Before this snow, I only thought flowers popping through snow happened in the movies. Apparently not!
Tony and Tobin have been reading super hero books a lot lately. Tobin is really into superheros. Especially Batman and Superman!
We got a "free" candy with our movie the other day at the rental place. Tobin picked out "Mater Teeth". If you don't know who Mater, from the movie Cars is, then you won't get this. If you do- you might think this is hilarious! Instead of a ring pop, it had teeth! So funny!
Tobin is 100% potty trained now! We are so proud of him. No accidents, even at night time! To be honest, I never thought this day would come. We took him to Toys-R-Us (with a gift card and coupon) and told him he could pick any toy he wanted. He picked a Batman castle. I need to take some photos of him playing with it. Along with the castle, of course, they make all kinds of extras (that you have to buy) with it. He has been saving up his money for a long time and he bought a Green Lantern to go with his Batman toys last week. He was so proud of himself! Green Lantern is Batman's friend. He came with a green Jet and it even shoots darts OH BOY! (sense the sarcasm)
Little Miss has been learning what words mean lately. She found this bowl of peppermints in Tony's office this week. She got closer ...
...and closer....
... then mean o' momma said "no ma'am!" This was her reaction...
Tobin is getting to be such a grown up, handsome boy...
... who is very independent and protective of his things. Caroline hates this Dinosaur- it roars and lights up. So, to protect her from going in his room and playing with his things this is what he did...
Caroline is going through a picky eating faze. Between baby food and real food. Some days, she doesn't eat much at all. However, she is growing so the Ped. said not to worry about it. She sure loves bananas, though! See the necklaces on her shoulder? She LOVES to be a girl and is so girly! She loves purses and shoes and jewelry. It's so funny!
One day, a couple weeks ago- Tobin told me "Sissy's awake!" When she wakes up from nap, he's always the first one in there! This day, by the time I got in there, they were sword fighting! I thought it was hilarious and grabbed my camera to snap a pic!
We are enjoying our days outside--hope you are, too! More photos of Spring activities to come, soon!
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