- sing all your abc's with no help!
- count to 15
- love cheese, hotdogs, pizza, chicken nuggets, and anything you can dip in ketchup or Ranch dressing! You pretty much love to eat most things, but those are you favorites!
- are such a big boy with big boy underwear, going pee pee and poo poo in the potty by yourself!
- love CARS (anything from the movie) Dinosaurs, Thomas the Train, and Elmo!
- love to color, paint and draw
- love to play with play-do, almost every day!
- love to help mommy clean, and unload groceries from the car.
- know all your shapes, colors, and animal sounds
- can point to almost any part of your body, and you know the name of that part! (And yes, I mean "every" part ) ;)
- love your sissy, and are such a good big brother to her!
- sleep in your big boy bed, and are not afraid.
- never let us forget to pray at dinner or bedtime.
- are so sweet and caring for others
- are so sensitive, and want to please us in all that you do.
- love to play outside!
- Wash your hands in the sink and brush your teeth all by yourself!
- love to to help daddy in the yard.
- enjoy playing at the park, and swim across the pool by yourself (with your vest, of course)
We are so proud of you and love you so much! You will always be my sweet baby boy!

(pics from our big Dino-riffic Birthday Bash coming soon!
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