Each child (16 in total)received a cape (with their initial), mask, and arm cuffs when they walked in the front door.
The cake...OH, the cake... I decided to make it again this year. It was the most time-consuming one I have done. All homemade cake, buttercream, and fondant. My mother came down the night before the party and I wouldn't have been able to get everything done without her! She also did the piping on the cake for the spider webs and the edges:)
(top view)
Our superhero Clothesline was hung on the front porch for the guests to see as they drove up.
... as well as a party sign and balloons. We wanted to make sure everyone found it okay :)
A package was delivered for Tobin right before the guests arrived , from Grammy :)
OH, and if you were wondering, Yes... I made the capes, etc. Each child had a different color and their own initial on the back.
The guest's started arriving!
They were all pretty excited about the party, especially with their personalized superhero gear.
The party wouldn't be complete without the Jump House aka Superhero Training house :)
My mother painted the Batman and Robin (Tobin) sign. The kids and adults got a kick out of it! Mom, you're the greatest!
My mother (Tobin's Nonny) Also painted tattoo's on everyone!
It was very HOT and very WINDY!
There were lots of snacks including batman and spiderman snacks, popcorn, and PB&J Oatmeal cookies.
And again, my mother painted a "Pin The Mask On The Super Boy" Game. The kids LOVED it! Not too many photos of this, because I was running the game, the rest of the party, and taking photos. I was supermommy that day, I guess :)
I made ribbon/felt banners for outside to hang on the back fence and the tent covering the porch. They added the perfect party touch, and we will use them for other parties, too!
I bought fabric (used to make baseball jersey's) really cheap. 10 bucks for the whole bolt! I cut it and used it for table clothes, and still have a lot left on the bolt. Any ideas on what to use it for? We had to tie down the table clothes with twine because it was so windy!
By the time this photo was taken, all the ice had melted, but we went through a lot of ice, a lot of drinks, and a lot of sweat. It was HOT!
Caroline loved the popcorn! Who doesn't?
It was so much fun to watch them run around the yard and play superhero's.
Tony and one of the amazing men he works for. The adults had to get in the fun, too!
Addison and Tobin
I think this is the only photo of me at the Party... At least it looks decent right!? Ha!
They fought the villian off in the bounce house!
We all went inside to open gifts... I think everyone was relieved! He got some awesome presents! Thanks everyone for spoiling him!
It was time for everyone to go home and they got a goody bag with superhero snacks, a compass ring, superhero stickers, and some other little treats.
Great job! You could make cute pillowcase type dresses out of that material?
W.O.W. That was a FANTASTIC celebration! Way to go, Mommy! I love that you had the pic, plates, and napkins from you're brother's party back in the day, too. I am seriously impressed by all of your hard work. Looks like such an awesome day for Tobin and all of his friends and family!
Oh my goodness, it looks amazing! Looks like it should have been featured in a Southern Living magazine or something!! The capes & masks were legit...
Did mom make the superhero cut-out?!
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