Last week, I had my one hour glucose test for gestational diabetes. The Doctor called me and informed me that my sugar levels were elevated and that I needed to come in for a three hour test. So.... tomorrow morning at 8am I will be having my blood drawn. The next step is drinking this luke warm orange sugary drink ( which I think tastes like melted Popsicle), then getting my blood drawn 3 more times at different time intervals.
My risks are higher for gestational diabetes because I had a baby over 9 lbs. It's not like I could have helped how huge Tobin was when he was born. He is still a tank! (We have his well check-up on Wednesday, and I am looking forward to seeing if he is still in the 90th percentile. He has been in that category since he was born. ) The risk factors for my baby girl (if my glucose comes out high) is excessive weight gain for her. Folks, we all know I don't need my babies to be even bigger than they intend to be. I mean, seriously. Tobin was 10lbs 9.5 oz. Do I really need a baby bigger than that? No, I don't. I have only gained 6 lbs this pregnancy, and have really been trying to be "healthy". I didn't even eat ANY Halloween candy. So, as you can imagine... I was a little shocked when my test came back elevated.
If you think about it, please pray for me. I have to fast for 8 hours before my test, and am nervous about how my stomach will handle it. I am still pretty queasy when my stomach is empty. I will be hoping and praying that I keep everything down that's supposed to be down, and that my sugar levels will be normal tomorrow. I will update everyone when I get my results back. Thanks for the prayers!
I will pray for you, my friend! That is no fun, and you're right, you don't need a bigger baby than Mr. Tobin!
Thanks for giving me your new address; now I'm all set to keep up with your posts through my reader!
Praying for you. Love the new blog layout and name!
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