My dearest Tobin,
6 years ago, I was in labor for 24 hours when they decided they needed to do an emergency C-Section
We knew why the minute we saw you- all 10lbs 9oz of you!
I will never forget the feeling I had when I saw you for the first time.
What a special moment it was!
The moment I had dreamed about my whole life was here!
I was finally a Mommy!

You brought us more joy that we ever knew we could have.
Your personality has beamed from the very beginning!
You are the happy, sweet, and sensitive.
You still make the best expressions!
You are so curious and creative!
The first time you walked, it was your first birthday!
You were soon running everywhere.
You have always been our busy boy!
You give us the best memories!
Your first word was "book".
You have always loved to read.
You have always loved to color, paint, or draw.
You are our Artist!

You became a brother when you were two.
You accepted and loved Caroline from the moment you saw her
You are such a great big brother.
You are her hero, best friend, and teacher.
You are so funny!
You love to tell jokes and entertain everyone around you.
You look like me and you look like your Daddy.
How is that possible?
God made the perfect version of the two of us, when he created you!

You are so handsome.
You make friends with everyone you meet.
You are so generous and selfless.
You are our over-achiever.
We are so proud of you!
You have the BEST (most handsome) eyes I've ever seen!
I never knew people could have freckles in their eyes.
You have the most beautiful brown freckle in your handsome blue eyes!
You love your family.
You would do anything to make us happy.
You love to spend time with us- it's one of your favorite things to do!
When I'm sad, you comfort me.
When you're sad, you let me comfort you.
I cannot believe I get to be your mommy!
I do not deserve you!
You bring me JOY
You bring me fulfillment
You tell me I'm the best mommy, even when I don't feel like it.
You will ALWAYS be my baby!
You LOVE school
You LOVE Mornings (you get that from your Daddy).
You love learning!
You LOVE Jesus.
You invite random people to church.
You recite bible verses to kids who are scared.
You are going to change your generation.
God is going to use you for a mighty and big purpose!
We are so proud of you Tobin!
We love you!
Happy 6th Birthday!
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