Monday, October 12, 2009

Leaves are falling, part one

I've started doing preschool with Tobin every day at home. Today we started learning about Fall. We practiced our colors, talked about different shapes of leaves, and read the story of Genesis- where God created the earth. Then, we went on a leaf hunt!

Caroline, waiting in the high chair eating cheerios while Tobin gets his shoes on.
All set and ready to go!

(the rest of the pics are taken from my cell phone, because my battery died in my camera-bad quality, but you get the point)

His first leaf! A brown one!

Running ahead of the girls to see what he could see before we got there!

It's hard to see in this photo, but the bottom of this tree had a clump of bright red leaves. Tobin thought this was "so cool"... that the tree had green, yellow, orange, and red leaves all on one tree!

He's in the middle of conversation.

Miss Caroline was so good on our walk! She loves being outside. Look Grammy, that's the hat you made her! It fits perfectly now!

When we got inside, we piled up all the leaves, counted them, and laid them all on wax paper.

Ten he sprinkled wax (crayon shavings)on the paper and leaves.
We covered the leaves and wax with another sheet of wax paper. Then, while mommy ironed, Tobin watched as the papers melted together with the leaves in the middle.

Our finished project!

Now, he can see the beautiful colors in the leaves every day... for a while anyway.

It was a great day. Stay tuned for the rest of our week, as we study about Fall.


SheriYates said...

Um..I hope you homeschool! Whatever - Mommy of the year award goes to......drummmmm rolllllll - Rachel! You are GOOD! I am going to COPY you! Big time. so stealing that idea! Love love love it!

Ashley McWhorter said...

What a great idea. If the leaves EVER change here, I'll have to steal that idea. But, seeing as we are still in the high 80's, it might be a while. HA!!

This is a blog that I found that has great teaching ideas that are biblically based. She hasn't updated it quite sometime, but what she has from the past is fantastic.

LidiaZuniReds said...

Well I'll try write English...

Your blog is more interesting, this part is very creative with the lives well I have two girls and occasionally my ideas end, but now I found one in your blog thanks so much by searched it.

Well I hope you understand me :P
Have a nice day.

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