Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

2012 was a crazy year for our family.  We were married 8 years this year, Tobin started Kindergarten, we found out Caroline needed glasses, and we got out of debt.  Our priorities were completely shifted after we had to start our lives over when our home burned in the Oklahoma Wildfires in August.  What a reminder of how our life here on earth is fleeting, but our purpose is to tell others about Christ, so they too may live eternity with Him.  Our story is not a story of tragedy, but a story of overcoming faith and unending gratitude.  With the protection and provision of our heavenly father, and the support and prayers of our friends and family, we can start again knowing that he has a plan for us.  Thank you for your kind words, gifts, hugs, support, and prayers.  Our marriage is stronger, our family is closer, and our vision for the future is focused solely on what HE wants for our lives.  We look forward to celebrating our Savior’s birth this Christmas and we have confidence that 2013 will be filled with His blessings.  We hope and pray that your new year will be filled with the hope, joy and peace that only our Savior can bring.

We have the best friends and family anyone could ask for!  Thanks for being a part of our amazing life! 

Merry Christmas!

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