Last week, I plopped Tobin in front of the TV to watch Noggin ( a 24 hour preschool channel) while I went into my bedroom with Miss Caroline to do my daily bible reading- my 30 minute fix for the day. Tobin came in and said, "Whatya readin mom?" I immediately felt sick to my stomach. I thought, "I read my bible in here every day to have MY time with God, MY quiet time, MY relationship, MY fix- and Tobin doesn't know what my Bible is?" I still get weary thinking about it-Anyway, I knew we needed a change.
As you could tell by my last post I used the television as a few minutes of sanity here and there. I also watched the noon local news every day, and watched a few too many worldly shows that I didn't need to watch. When we thought about what we were watching, we realized that it wasn't helping further God's kingdom, or teach our children about HIM. Tony and I together thought about it and after much debating, praying, and seeking God for the direction of our family... we bit the bullet and called the cable company. Yes-We turned off the cable.
I know probably all the thoughts that are going through your head. We are not crazy, or trying to make a point, or better than anyone else. We just felt like we needed to spend the time with our family, and with the Lord. We have really been seeking God lately, and what HE would have us do for him. We are happy where we are, but praying for his pleasing and perfect will for our future. I do have to say,however; that it surprised me at first how many times I went to turn the TV on- and then realized I didn't have anything to watch. When I thought about why I was turning it on, I really had no reason at all. Now, instead of escaping to the TV, I escape to the Lord. I am looking at this like a fast. Because right now, that's what it feels like. Everything I go to turn it on, I remember that I need to pray, and seek him, and read his word. Suddenly my moment of escape, or worldliness, or babysitting doesn't seem so important anymore.
Colossians 3:2
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things
Please pray for me, especially during the day with my kiddos. Pray for Tony and his sports. I cannot imagine what college football season will be like for him-Hard is by far an understatement. Please pray for Tobin, too. Convincing him that reading our bible and praying are more important than TV has not been that difficult. However, Explaining that we don't have "noggin" anymore is hard. Please pray for our family, and the future God has in store for us. We are excited about this new phase in our life.
On another note:
If something crazy or tragic happens in the world- will somebody please call me and let me know? Thanks!
haha..love it! We have NEVER had cable! I know.. the weird Meadows'. :) And for all the same reasons you just listed.
When Erin was young, I went through a very similar experience...conviction about the TV being on during the day. So it went off. And has stayed off for most of our kids' lives.
Sports is the hardest...and I WILL be praying for Tony. You may be visiting some other homes during those games ;)
Proud of you both!
Ha! Yes, I never know anything going on in the world. I subscribe to a Christian news email, and that's about all I get. We don't have cable and my rule is no TV during the week for my kids. My husband and I are not big TV people anyway. Just have grace w/ yourself though! While a lot of us mom's have turned to the TV for our sanity way too much, sometimes there are days where you need that, and don't beat yourself up! I like to joke about being deprived growing up too, because we never wathced anything. A lot of shows people talk about I don't know anything about. Oh well, I love to read, and have developed a daily time with The Word because of it that has lasted for most of my lifetime. Your kids will thank you one day!
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