We are home and doing great. Without the help of my mom, we would not be surviving. For those of you wondering why she came two days earlier than expected... here is a short version of the story. I went into the hospital last week with contractions. They sent me home and told me to take it "easy". I thought, "Are you kidding me? Yeah sure I can take it easy, take care of my 2 year old and get my house clean for this baby- NOT!" But, honestly I did take it pretty easy. My house was in no order to have a baby when we went to the hospital Tuesday, birth day... but we made it.
anyway, back to the story... They had sent me home from the hospital with contractions and told me to take it easy. Well, the contractions continued for almost a week. My doctor checked up on me Tuesday afternoon and said he wanted to do a stress test on the baby to make sure she was handling all this okay. So, we went in for a stress test. We had Tobin with us- knowing that it was only a test, and we'd be sent home to get ready for Thursday. Not the case at all. Everything on the stress test went wonderfully. The baby was doing good, but I was still having contractions. Since I had to have a repeat c-section, my wonderful Doctor decided to put me out of my misery and said we should have the baby at 8 pm. When he delivered the news, I was till in my regular clothes, Tobin in the room with us, it was 6 pm. A little bit of panic went on, and then it was full adrenaline excitement! We were having this baby tonight!!! So, we put in a few phone calls in, and updated our
facebook status, and started to pray. I prayed for Peace that surpasses all understanding, and the Lord gave it to me. I was ready. So, at about 8:30- they wheeled me into the Operating Room. Caroline was born at 8:54pm on Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009.
I hope that wasn't too much rambling... now for the photos. Enjoy! I'll update more, later.

Tony, saying his goodbye's to Tobin

Tony, waiting to go into my surgery.

Tobin and Mimi looking in at Daddy and baby Caroline

Mimi and Tobin looking into the nursery at Daddy and Caroline

Daddy showing Caroline off from the nursery window.

Baby Caroline, one day old.

Tony and his precious daughter... Can you say "smitten?"

Our new family of four

Mommy and her daughter to hold and love.

Tobin meeting his baby sister

Tobin LOVES his baby sister! Praise the Lord!

Proud big brother giving a thumbs up

Sweet baby girl, swaddled up

For those of you who are wondering....
My recovery has definitely been easier than the first. Partly, because I knew what to expect, and partly because I didn't go through 20 hours of labor first. But, mostly because I have an amazing Doctor, who took really good care of me. God has been so good to our family- way beyond our deserving.
We are home and doing well. We are sometimes great, sometimes barely surviving. Caroline is a great eater, and doing wonderfully! We are adjusting to life with a newborn again. Tobin has been doing so great! He loves his sister. We are truly blessed!
Thank you for all your prayers... we could still use them if you'd like to pray.
For now, that's it... hopefully it won't be too long before I post again.
Sleepy, Thankful, Surviving, Blessed, Rachel
ps- A HUGE thanks to my wonderful friend
Kim who took all of these amazing photos for us! What would we have done without you?!